Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembrance Day

My Grand-papa, my son's great-grandpa, served in the 20th Artillery Regiment from 1940 to 1946. Here he is looking so handsome in his uniform. I see my brothers in him. It's the jaw I think. I phoned my grandparents this morning and asked if I could hear the story of my grandpa in the army and my grandma said next time I visit, he would tell me all about it. It was emotional for me because they live so far away, and it seems everyone lives so far away. Aside from my parents, I have to get on a plane to visit any other person in my family. This makes me sad. Soldiers away must feel that 10 fold.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Subtleties of English

I saw this sign on Fraser Street recently. I don't know about you, but I thought to myself: "Duh, I sure hope so!"

Healthy Snack Ideas

My neighbor Lisa was asking me a while ago about ideas for snacks. Us moms, all have our favorites, but sometimes it's nice to try something else besides bananas and cheese bunnies! Here is a list of snacks I give my boy (he's 22 months and addicted to noodles), please click on the post and add more to the list! Share-sies!

1. Coconut-oat balls: Roast coconut, oatmeal, and flax meal in a pan. Blend almond butter, dates and bit of hot water in a blender. Mix wet with dry ingredients and form little balls, re-roll in coconut and chill. YUM!

2. Pancakes: Take any pancake recipe you like, there are tons of them online: apple, banana, pea, or corn. Make a stack of bite size patties and keep them stored for several days. Serve with apple sauce, almond butter or yogurt. Dip-Dip!

3. Pita pockets: I smooch everything into pita: bananas and almond butter, thin apple slices and cheese, avocado and sprouts, shredded carrot and hummus, the ideas are endless.

4. Smoothies: Go crazy with the blender, fruits and veggies galore! I've experimented with adding ginger, cinnamon, tahini, almond butter, and coconut water. I always add a leaf of romaine. (My boy isn't big on green things-YET!)

Boys' Special Genes

I was shopping at Superstore the other day and I saw 3 boys dressed as firemen sitting in carts. Three! I'm convinced that boys have a special gene: the firetruck gene. There is also the train gene and the truck gene. It makes sense that babies learn early on words most needed for survival and basic comfort, your know, words like Mommy, Daddy, water, eat etc.. but why goo-goo (train), a car (anything with wheels) and nee-no-nee-no (firetruck)? What is it with modes of transportation?

A while back I was walking along with a friend by the train tracks in Gastown and a train was going by so I decided to take a short video to show Baby. I never realized at the time how popular this 3 minute video was going to be. Every time the computer is on, Baby says: Goo-Goo! I bought a play train I found at a second hand store and I was planning to keep it for Christmas, but seeing how excited he was about the train video, I pulled it out recently. My boy has fallen in love with it! Is there a scientific reason for this deep adoration for anything on wheels? I couldn't find one. If you know one, let me know meanwhile I'll be busy tracking down (pun!) more rail pieces!  GOO-GOO!