Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Giving Thanks

What springs to mind easily is to be thankful for family, friends and good health, but upon a bit of reflection, I'd also like to take a moment to be thankful for:

1. My son's laughter which springs up like bubbles in the air. Because it's funny to throw things and throw yourself off the furniture!
2. My husband's hugs, always present, always loving, and reassuring. They lift the accumulation of crud off of my shoulders. You know, crud: worries, stress, boredom, etc...
3. My neighbors who share food, ideas, time, and conversation.
4. My car. Yup. I am thankful for having a car. To drive to the aquarium, to the library or to a friend's house when it's nasty out and I don't want to share public transportation with wet people.
5. Speaking of libraries. I am thankful for libraries. It's free! What's free nowadays?
6. Nature. These days, I'm admiring my neighbors' apples. I want to eat one, but I won't 'cause it's not neighborly, but I want to.
7. Music. 'Cause it makes me dance.
8. Brunch. Who doesn't love brunch with friends?
9. Coffee, chocolate, and cheese.
10. Sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Guess what! Remember that I said I was grateful for nature and I wanted to eat my neighbors' apple, but I wasn't going to because it wouldn't be neighborly? Well it so happens that this tree was planted by a couple who now live on Saltspring Island who came to visit their old neighbor Marie-Anne (my downstairs neighbor). They picked the apple, made a tart, and gave me the extra slices! I got to eat that delicious apple fresh from the tree. Now that's the universe manifesting for me!
