Yesterday, my husband came home all smiles and said he got a raise at work, and to celebrate this, I bought him the Porsche bible: Porsche 911 Story. Not the flashiest title, I'm thinking as I write this, but as I flipped through it in the store, I noticed enough tables and diagrams of engines and other parts to keep my mechanical engineer husband reading late into the night. I decided to make a card to go along with the book and quickly read up on the history of Porsche makers, Ferdinand Sr. and his son, Ferry Porsche.
Turns out they also invented the Volkswagen. So I wrote a short story.
Ferdinand loved cars. At work, he was very serious. Building cars is a serious business, you know. But, every night, Ferdinand invented crazy, happy cars in his sleep.
Ferdinand also had a son named Ferdinand. It got a little bit confusing for Ferdinand's mother, so his parents called him Ferry. Ferry loved cars too.
day, while Ferdinand and Ferdinand were having tea in the garden, a bug landed into their teapot. This gave them the idea to build a car just like this bug.
The bug car had big headlights and a round body.
Everyone loved this car and soon everyone called it The Beetle.
Your Porsche drawing is very good and your story might have some true facts on it!