My mom dropped off a Singer Sewing Book at my house this afternoon. It was published in 1949 and right there, in the first chapter, it's all explained. How to prepare, avoid frustration, late night swearing and tears.
Here are some excerpts which explain how to sew successfully. Read on carefully, my dear friends, you might give it another chance!
To Sew Successfully....
" Prepare yourself mentally for sewing. Think about what you are going to do. Approach the job with enthusiasm. You must want to make something lovely, to have the fun of putting pieces of fabric together, to make a garment, to handle the fabric with appreciation, to watch the beauty of the article grow as a result of your planning and effort. Never approach sewing with a sigh or lackadaisically. Good results are difficult when indifference predominate. Never try to sew with the sink full of dishes or bed unmade. When there are urgent housekeeping chores, do these first so that your mind is free to enjoy your sewing."
" Prepare physically. When you sew, make yourself as attractive as possible. Go through a beauty ritual of orderliness. Have on a clean dress. Be sure your hands are clean, fingernails smooth-a nail file and pumice will help. Always avoid hangnails. Have your hair in order, powder, and lipstick put on with care. Looking attractive is a very important part of sewing, because if you are making something for yourself, you will try it on at intervals in front of the mirror, and you can hope for better results when you look your best.
Again sewing must be approached with the idea that you are going to enjoy it, and if you are constantly fearful that a visitor will drop in or your husband will come home and you will not look neatly put together, you will not enjoy your sewing as your should. Therefore, "spruce up" at the beginning so that you are free to enjoy every part of any sewing you do."
Feminine as powder puff, ruffles are the essence of daintiness. |
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