Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Simple Pleasures

As promised in my last post, I will be choosing tips for the Simple Living Manifesto on Zen Habits regularly and try to incorporate more simplicity in my life. I managed to carry through yesterday's tip of "Carry Less" into today, bringing home 4 library books, rather than 20 and doing a small run at the grocery store. The kid wanted to be carried, so instead of carrying him, I distracted him by giving him a loaf of bread to carry on his own.

For today, I choose number 59: Make a list of your favorite simple pleasures, and sprinkle them throughout the day. Here's my list. Only 10 out of 50 so far today. Gotta get my sprinkles out!

1. using a nice smelly soap in the shower
2. going to bed in clean sheets
3. sipping wine while cooking
4. dark chocolate
5. the good tired feeling after a workout
6. doodling, drawing or painting
7. reading a book in bed
8. hugs
9. watching the kid do something new and saying: I did it!
10. take-out on a day I don't want to cook
11. bowls of berries
12. singing to a tune in the car
13. seeing animals/birds/fish/bugs in the wild or at the Aquarium
14.taking pictures
15. writing
16. drinking a strong cup of coffee in the morning
17. riding my bike alone or with the kid
18. watching my kid ride his bike
19. making and eating crepes
20. buying less stuff
21. licorice at a movie
22. wrapping gifts
23. dancing to loud music
24. going to the beach
25. floating in the water
26. picnics
27. brunch with my girlfriends
28. hanging out with my mom
29. family dinners
30. getaways with my husband
31. blowing bubbles
32. hanging on the sidewalks with the neighbors and their kids
32. sharing a bbq with friends
33. helping out
34. receiving "good mail"
34. wearing jeans
32. wearing a bra that doesn't hurt
33. eating foods I like when they are in season
34. a clean room
35. a funny story and a good laugh
35. a pedicure
36. a massage
37. playing the piano
38. trying out a new recipe
39. window shopping on a nice street
40. going to vintage/antique stores
41. listening to my boy saying: Okay Mommy! with super enthusiasm
42. seeing joy on my husband's face when he talks about his car
43. doing a crossword/playing scrabble
44. looking at babies
45. waking up to sunshine
46. reading in bed with my husband before lights out
47. baking
48. when my husband comes home earlier than I thought
49. throwing the fresh laundry out of the dryer onto my son
50. when my husband says I'm beautiful

Side note:
I've been wanting to get a copy of "Simplicity Parenting" and when I went on the online library catalog, it said I had to register for an Adobe ID, download a software and then download the book onto my home computer. Not simple. Instead, I had the librarian order a hard copy for me and when it arrives at my local branch, I will receive an email. That's easy. Can't wait to read it!

legfull of pollen

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