Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Crazy Sexy Coincidence?

Okay, here’s this weird thing that happens to me every once in a while. The greater-powers-at-be try to tell me something; like it’s time now for me to exercise. So they put an ad at the grocery store for free exercise classes, which I read and promptly forget about, and then they put a guy in the grocery line-up in front of me who happens to be fantastic trainer,  but we talk about avocados instead. And then the powers-at-be start to argue about taking radical action, but failing consensus, leave me with a headache that turns into a neck pain that morphs into an excruciating back pain.

So my latest experience of this “phenomenon” started with a video a cousin posted on Facebook featuring among many other health experts, Kris Carr, actress, filmmaker, and best selling author of “The Crazy Sexy Diet”. For some reason she stood out to me. Not two days later, I was over at my mothers’ house for dinner and on her counter, she had her copy of “The Crazy Sexy Diet”. Weird. Coincidence? Maybe. But not worth ignoring given the neck pain I’ve had lately.

Okay, so don’t roll your eyes and say: Diet? No thanks! Believe you me, I’ve never been and will never be on a diet. Instead enjoy the read. Kris writes like your best “tell-you-like-it-is” girlfriend, half the time reading your mind as you’re thinking: no cheese, are you f&*%&ing crazy? And it’s probably because of this that you can finish the book and instantly find yourself on board with her message; “Eat your veggies, ignite your spark, and live like you mean it.” So to give a little taster and encourage you to get your own copy, here’s what I’ve taken away from her book.

-       The 80/20 ratio: A plate divided like a pie should include 80% fresh, organic alkaline foods found in a “garden”.

-       Suga’ and his posse friends like corn syrup, dextrose, and fruit juice concentrate are crack. Those guys loiter around waiting for a moment when you feel a wee-bit-tired to tempt you with raunchy displays of firm muffins with huge tops bursting with juicy fruit bits.

-       Green juice is the “New venti double shot, non-fat, soy latte” pick-me-up, and trust me, I drank one this morning, and I had the biggest buzz.

-       Once your body has a taste of what it’s like to be “crazy= bold, out-of –the-box, forward thinking and status quo challenging, and sexy=confident, in touch, whole, passionate and conscious”, it’s becomes a non-issue to let go of caffeine, sugar, milk, dairy products, meat, preservatives, and alcohol.

As I’ve been greening myself more and more, and I can’t say that I will completely give up coffee, cheese and wine, I’m enjoying some cool benefits:

Without the cream and sugar, I can actually taste the coffee I’m drinking and I’m noticing the flavor differences as I would wine.

I’ve replaced cheese for sun salutations, and afternoon muffin breaks with meditation. Good bye, neck pain!

I’ve switched taking showers before bed to during nap times to give myself time to dry-brush my lizardness off, and give myself coconut oil-eucalyptus-lavender massages.!

Most of all, I feel significantly lighter and less bogged down. Oh, ya, baby! Sexy Crazy! Bring it on! Listen to your powers-at-be, you’ve just read this post, after all!

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