Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Great Moments

On the weekend, my husband installed our baby gates. Watching Baby help out was a super-precious-awww-he's-so-cute moment.

Alberto, our friend and awesome house painter came over 2 days ago to do some touch ups and while we were waiting for the plaster to dry we watched clips of Canadian comedian Russell Peters. I was laughing so hard and couldn't stop.  All the while Baby was looking at me, smiling and questioning me with his eyes 'I don't get it mom, what's so funny?' which made me laugh even more. This was such a great hurt-your-ribs kinda-of-laughing moment.

Yesterday, I got a message from a dear friend who lives in Toronto. She called to say that she was secretly in Vancouver working and wants to meet up on Friday! I miss her a lot. Whenever I see her, it seems like our time together is too short. She makes me laugh a lot and I wish she lived closer. Anticipating Friday, gives me lots of little happy-I-can't-wait-moments.

Last night, around 4:30am, Baby was crying hysterically in his crib. You can't help but wonder what is going on in his little head. Is it a bad dream? His teeth? Gas? Is he tangled? Mangled by monsters? My husband came down to his room to check on us. He picked up Baby from my arms, gently put back in his crib, shushed him softly and rubbed his back. Baby cried a little and went back to sleep. That was a really tired middle-of-the-night-love-my-husband moment.

Today, I learned my lesson. Don't give a 10 month old your car keys when walking on a leafy path. My mom, her dog Misha, Baby and I wanted to catch that 1 hour of sunshine today and headed for the beach. We returned from our walk to the jeep and couldn't find the keys anywhere. Baby! Where did you put the keys? Argh. After retracing our steps with a full bladder and not finding the keys, I called my husband at home. He was home nursing a nasty cold and I'm sure wasn't impressed when he had to take a cab across town to come get us. While we waited for him, Mom, Misha, Baby and I huddled in the back seat of the jeep, (which luckily I hadn't locked), and read through a big stack of kids' books I had just picked up at the library. This was a really nice get-cosy-with-those-you-love moment.

Right now, Baby and husband are asleep. It's 8:00 pm. The house is silent, the kind of silence that makes you wonder if there's something in your ears. I'm here with my thoughts, typing. This is a relaxing hey!-mom-you-did-good-today moment.

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