Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wedding Anniversary

In honor of my 2nd year wedding anniversary coming up this January 14th,  I set intention to refine and set focus on the following:

The 10 Musts for Every Marriage
  1. Put yourself in your partner's shoes. Use both your heart and your head.
  2. Be fully present when you greet each other at the end of the day.
  3. Don't relegate all romance to February 14th. Don't try to create the perfect evening, do live in the moment and find joy in the unexpected.
  4. Cultivate passion. Do this consciously. If you have kids, plan it!
  5. Listen to your partner's feelings, not just his words.
  6. Take every opportunity to laugh together. Look for funny things, movies, etc...
  7. Eat a little humble pie each day. Be the first to accept fault and responsibility.
  8. Don't be afraid to fight a good fight. Be honest with the issues and how you feel and never bury your feelings. Steer clear of criticism, defensiveness and contempt.
  9. Celebrate your differences. Remember that the way we are different is what attracted us in the beginning.
  10. Walk together in your faith in a way that is meaningful.
I can admit that I haven't always exercised much of the musts on this list! I vow then to do so. It's my wish to celebrate my awesome husband by spending time every day, away from the craziness of taking care of Baby and home on at least 1 must on this list!

I love you Babe!

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