Monday, December 20, 2010

6 Week Nutrition Challenge

Is this the right time of year to try this 6 week nutrition challenge? Why not? I've enrolled a friend who is going to take this on with me until our last challenge day February 1st, 2011. We haven't decided on a prize yet, but I'm going to think of something big!

1. Eat one big salad a day.
2. At least one serving of beans a day
3. One serving of steamed greens a day
4. Avoid white flour
5. Avoid sugar
6. Satisfy sweet tooth with fruits
7. Limit holidays sweets: Select 1-3 sweets (ie: 1 dessert or 3 small cookies) (except Christmas Day)
8. Limit coffee to one small cup a day.
9. Drink water throughout the day.
10. Allow for 1 cheat a week

So today is the 1st day. It's good to have a fridge well stocked on the first day! Looking forward to my beet, pecan, feta, and pear salad! Yum. Plus a small lentil soup! Double Yum. If anyone else reading this post is interested in joining us, write us a comment! We'll let you in on the prize! (It's going to big!!!)

Here are my potential pitfalls! I'm naming them in bold so they know I'm aware of them!

Frozen waffles...
Baked goods of any sorts... 
Here are your replacements you deliciously sweet yummies!

Dates and other dried fruits
Boxes of mandarin oranges
Frozen berries
Carrot sticks
Organic apples

Wish me luck!

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